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Am I Depressed? 6 Ways to Feel Better

Do you feel like…

You are smiling on the outside and breaking on the inside?

Day-to-day you fulfil all your responsibilities despite the challenges, so everyone thinks you are fine but you’re not?

Your invisible illness means others don’t understand you, and it is difficult for you to ask for the help you need?

If this is your normal then maybe you haven’t recognised that life doesn’t have to feel like this.

How much do you know about the differences between Depression (Major Depressive Disorder - MDD) and High-functioning Depression (Persistent Depressive Disorder - PDD)?

Depression (MDD) comes and goes but High-functioning Depression (PDD) can last for years.

People with PDD are often chronically depressed for years and cannot remember the last time they weren’t.

Those suffering from MDD are what we usually think of when we think of classic ‘depression’-

when we can’t get out of bed or hold down a job; we lose interest in life; we are sad and feel hopeless; we have no motivation or energy; we feel tearful; we feel numb to the joy of life; our sleeping and eating patterns are disrupted; we feel despair and anxiety.

The really difficult thing is that people suffering from high-functioning depression can have all of these symptoms BUT at lower levels.

This means that they learn to mask their depression, and that is the heartbreaking thing about this condition.

People with PDD are usually able to go about their regular routines, yet they are struggling and hurting inside.

High-functioning depressives go to work, take care of their families, keep up their lives - do the things that everyone else does.

However, each activity is an exhausting struggle.

The exhaustion inside is hidden by the calm outside. 

Is this you?

First steps to feeling better:

1 Notice your symptoms

2 Talk it through - with a friend or a medical professional

3 Think about medication


4 Make a choice to address your wellbeing 360 degrees by biohacking and boosting your serotonin naturally

5 Exercise outside daily

6 Supercharge your brain with nutrients


If you have low serotonin, you might:

  • feel anxious
  • feel low or depressed
  • feel irritable or aggressive
  • have sleep issues
  • feel fatigued
  • feel impulsive
  • have a decreased/increased appetite
  • have digestive issues
  • crave sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods


Notice the overlap with the depression symptoms?

There are some wonderful nutrients that boost serotonin levels that you might have become deficient in over time. Stress burns up nutrients more quickly than we can replace them so taking a supplement to replenish your supplies is something to seriously consider.

You need Tryptophan, 5HTP, DLPA, Methionine, methylated B vitamins, Vitamin D3 and especially probiotics.

I really believe that probiotics and the gut-brain axis is the future of brain health and mood treatments.

There’s a lot to think about here so to help make it easier for you to do this one small thing, to ease you into a life where you can flourish and live your true purpose I’ve put them all in one place.

Find all these 100% active ingredients (and many more) blended together, designed by a psychologist to make you happy again in


Part of the 360ME range by M+E


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